Bad credit can hinder individuals from getting jobs. A good credit rating is used as a valuable measure of your financial trustworthiness. Since many jobs require background checks, it’s important to know what’s on your credit reports and make sure your information is being reported correctly.
Consumers have rights and any discrepancies on their credit reports can be questioned. American Credit Repair Centers will work with you to make sure you are being reported fairly and accurately by creditors.
If you are working to rebuild your credit, we can work with you strategically to improve your rating. Call American Credit Repair Centers for a free no-obligation credit repair consultation.

Why you
should call us
right now?
- Get an accurate analysis to your situation.
- See results in as little as 60 days.
- Have us create a road map strategy.
- Free comprehensive analysis.
See what our customers say!
A Word From Clients With Improved Credit
To whom it may concern, If you are on the fence regarding credit repair, I can assure you that American Credit Repair is the way to go. My wife and I recently purchased our home and without the team at American Credit Repair it would not have happened. They worked hard, kept us up to date on everything they did and our closing escrow is proof that they did their job. Before using Steve and his team we spent a year trying fix my credit our selves, with little to no results. They know how to get positive results and we have our new home to prove it! Thanks to every one at American Credit Repair!!!!
M.J. Griffin
A friend of mine referred me to American Credit promising me they could do big things with my credit. And big things they delivered! They were able to remove ALL (yes ALL) derogatory items from all three bureaus. My credit score jumped up 81 points to 754. Miraculous! And, they are just about the best people to work with ever. They explained everything clearly and were endlessly helpful. They’re my knights in shining armor. I’m refinancing my house and saving hundreds of dollars every month. I’ve already recommended them to friends and will continue to for a long time to come.
Y.G. – Santa Monica, CA
Why you should call us right now?
- Get an accurate analysis to your situation.
- See results in as little as 60 days.
- Have us create a road map strategy.
- Free comprehensive analysis.
See what our customers say!
A Word From Clients With Improved Credit
To whom it may concern, If you are on the fence regarding credit repair, I can assure you that American Credit Repair is the way to go. My wife and I recently purchased our home and without the team at American Credit Repair it would not have happened. They worked hard, kept us up to date on everything they did and our closing escrow is proof that they did their job. Before using Steve and his team we spent a year trying fix my credit our selves, with little to no results. They know how to get positive results and we have our new home to prove it! Thanks to every one at American Credit Repair!!!!
M.J. Griffin
A friend of mine referred me to American Credit promising me they could do big things with my credit. And big things they delivered! They were able to remove ALL (yes ALL) derogatory items from all three bureaus. My credit score jumped up 81 points to 754. Miraculous! And, they are just about the best people to work with ever. They explained everything clearly and were endlessly helpful. They’re my knights in shining armor. I’m refinancing my house and saving hundreds of dollars every month. I’ve already recommended them to friends and will continue to for a long time to come.
Y.G. – Santa Monica, CA
We can help you today!
What situation are you currently in?
- I’m trying to qualify for a home loan
- I’m trying to rent a home and cannot qualify for my lease
- My interest rate on my loan is high, and my credit score is poor
- My future or employer requires a clean credit report
- I need a business line of credit or loan, and I’m having a hard time qualifying
Contact us and get a FREE Credit Repair Consultation.